
Below follows a short professional description of me.

Lasse Öberg - Software specialist

Currently I work at DEK technologies as a software developer consultant towards the Telecommunication industry. In this company I have a role as chief technical officer in the area of Data Networks.

Previously I worked at Intelligent Machines where my main responsibility was software development for autonomous robots. This included the entire software development process during product development. A few of the more interesting areas I worked in where requirement specification, software architecture, design and live tests of the product. I was also partly responsible for taking the software system from an experimental prototype to be product ready. This included the architecture of the software system as well as design and test. This system needed to be reliable and fault tolerant to a certain degree.

Before that I worked as a consultant at Combitech AB. In addition to the consultant services I also held and where responsible for both internal sand external courses. The focus for the consultant service was software development for embedded systems, with assignments in application areas such as remote control, resource handling in IP and ATM networks, hardware emulation, signal processing, etc. This covered the entire spectra from design to test. The teaching responsibility where for courses in both Java and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) focusing on system analysis and design.